Sunday, June 20, 2010


A father’s role in creating the Space of Love
By Shirley Moulton - Founder, The ACADEMi of Life, NYC

Not much is written about a Father’s role and love in the life of a child. I consider myself very lucky I had a remarkably loving father. He was a silent, tender, giant of a man, an accountant who served in The Royal Air force in WW11. I adored my father and although he is no longer here, I think of him often and feel his presence of everlasting guidance and love.

So what do fathers need to do to free and nurture the soul of their children...creating that ‘space of love’ as my father did for me?

I recently saw the movie ‘Babies’ and there was a scene where one of the babies became over- the-top frustrated as she played with her numerous state of the art toys, none of which brought her any joy. There was another scene in the movie of a baby observing the movement of a bug in the dirt and she seemed so engaged and at peace.

I was immediately reminded of a passage I read in the book ‘The Ringing Cedar Series – The Space of Love’. ‘A bug is a more perfect mechanism than any manufactured product. Every bug is a living thing and is a part of creation and as such aids the child in becoming aware of and connected to the essence of the Universe and of himself as part of it. Artificially created objects have no such connection and do not arrange priorities and values in the child’s brain in the right way.’

Another book I recently read, ‘The Continuum Concept’ says 'babies grow best in health, happiness, intelligence, self-reliance, courage and cooperativeness when they are reared in the continuum of the human biological experience…'

So how does a 21st century father nurture the soul of his child? I am no expert but I think spending meaningful time with your child in nature and and tell them as often as you can ‘I see you’ (Sawu Bona) might be a good place to start…maybe even read the books mentioned.

A man who is free from aggression, selfishness, fear and other dark feelings emanates the Light of Love. Shine your light of love on your child. Happy Father's Day.


  1. Shirley,
    Thank you for the lovely post.
    In answer to your question, a 21st-century father nurtures the soul of his child by loving him/her as fully as possible at all times. That looks like holding/touching, listening, sharing activities of all kinds, being present, and being a great role model (particularly for sons).
    It can be hard work, or course. But it's good work if you can get it!
    Glad to see that you are still celebrating Father's Day.
    Andrew Cohn

  2. Hi Andrew..thanks for your kind comment. I am grateful you took the time to respond. I hope all is well with you.
    Warm regards
