Nicholas Kristof’s opinion titled How to Recharge Your Soul, in the August 9th issue of the New York Times states “in the same way you recharge your BlackBerry from time to time, you should also recharge your soul – by spending part of August disconnected from the Web and reconnected with the universe.” Is Kristof saying that if you recharge your soul you will be reconnected to the universe? So, is the soul a direct connection to the universe?
This caught my attention because I had just seen the movie Cold Souls by Sophie Barthes in which souls were extracted and stored on Roosevelt Island. When one of the owners of a soul died, the soul disappeared. So is this what happens to the soul when we die? It disappears!
But where is this soul of ours anyway? Recent books by Jill Bolte, Ph.D. a brain scientist and Keith Black, MD a master brain surgeon and quotes by Descartes and Plato made me conclude that the soul is probably in the brain….funny thing, I always thought it was in the heart.
One final musing…can the soul of a man be damaged by his mother at age three, yet he becomes the richest man in the world? Warren Buffet’s recent biography details his suffering at the hands of his mother, her tirades were constant and “she never stopped until both children “just folded,” says Warren, weeping helplessly.” By the time he was three years old…”it couldn't be put back together”, he says, for him or his sister….
”The damage to their souls was done.” Wow, sounds like you can make a lot of money with a damaged soul…is this a perquisite for being successful on Wall Street?
I agree with Kristof, regardless of where it is, where it goes after death or how badly damaged it is ...recharge it anyway by connecting to the universe. Go take a walk!